Monday 29 February 2016

The era of a new leadership is now

We often see the rise of self proclaimed leaders in our societies. Social networking sites has arrived with many possibilities. What is interesting is how collaborating in groups, people enable to access control over them. Most people never question, because it is easier not to question and opposition therefore fade away.

There were many responses to this issue, so I thought it would be interesting to unfold this topic a little more and share our experience, opinions and ideas here.

Those however with the ability to work with resources, assigning resources to task, establishing costs and adjust accurate planning are simply played off. Experienced project engineers and project managers see through this easily, when management practices and methodologies arise.

 To get a better understanding of this "leaders" can be very hard, since they mostly operate under the radar and with hardly any tracking record if at all. Discussions of various kinds are mostly vague and involved all kinds of shady people. Most of these shady characters have hidden agendas based on self enrichment. Some have become overnight traditional leaders due to their unemployment or laziness to seek for a credible decent job. It has become easier to go into politics, where no previous experience is required.

Manipulating the uneducated masses becomes their tasks. 

They usually use the sentiment of past sufferings under previous governments and circumstances that have kept people in weak financial and social circumstances. In other words, the people at risk are the one's who never had a life but simply exists on a daily basis through survival and under the poverty conditions. People living in poverty are easy to manipulate with selling them a dream for free. They are fond of cheap talk, because it is perhaps a distraction from their hunger pains or the shithole they living in.

Thanks to the opening of the Internet of whom the majority have little understanding.

Understanding APIs or Internet protocols is not relevant to them, rather to be in the spotlight. Unfortunately these "leaders" have no troubleshooting guide or guide to understand them better.

It is a pity that Facebook cater for "friends" only, maybe because Mark Z., can not distinguish among friends and acquaintances.

Some people of cheap material however do not care, whether they have meet someone in person, because now they can have easily 5 000 friends and exist inside the box and are to damn stupid to think outside the box. How boring life would be if all our views and opinions are the same?

What gives identity to a leader?

Is it how he identify his goals and objectives or is it how he/she coordinate different needs?

What I personally miss in these "leaders" are the simple indispensable leadership qualities, how they can be most effective, fairness, appreciation, commitment, inspire people, set examples, taken responsibility, showing initiation and the ability to show competence. A leader do not exclude you, he say things, plan things but most importantly do things.

Leaders have track records of building institutions and businesses.

Leaders are often misunderstood simply because some people don't understand priorities. As a leader you must take as often as possible self-assessment in terms of your strength and your personal area of weakness. If we do not address our personal shortcomings, we will simply steam role over the weak and uneducated poor masses. A low or uneducated person is a poor person.

Allow me to end with the quote of Dr. Maxwell “if you don’t have influence, you will never be able to lead others”.

Therefore leading without influence is like gathering water in a basket but with it you are limitless in your achievement.

There are several key points that I have left out on purpose, because I do not believe in spoon feeding. This of course is making me less passionate. Most people hate to think inside out or outside in. I trust this may serve as an eye opener and not as a public lecture.

The floor is now open for discussion. 

Thank you for your persistence and motivation to take time to read this.

Johan Hossayn van Wyk

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