Thursday 3 October 2013

Happy unification day Germany.

 Today, I want to send a message of solidarity to the German people. I want to congratulate them, on their twenty third anniversary of their unification.

It is good to look back, and never forget the past. As long as we never forget our past, we will always be aware of our future dreams.

Germany unlike South Africa (Hottentot-land) and Namibia (Hottentot-land) today, was the most envied country in the world, for his economic model twenty years after World War II. Most countries thought then, that Germany would become the biggest client in terms of a USA welfare State.

They were all proved to be so wrong. Most countries did not believe in an economic miracle for Germany. We can argue the Marshall Plan or any other economic factors that have contribute to the cause of the miracle, if we want to be politically correct. We can go back to the 1948 price controls for solid arguments. We can chose to go back to Roosevelt and Churchill whom also imposed price controls and rationing on the German people. This will keep us moving in circles forever and ever.

However it may sound today, will not change the course of history, neither will it change the November 1945 Allied Control Authority by countries such as France, Great Britain or the Soviet Union at the time. Nor will it change the food shortages that the German people were living off, in a time of severe food shortages for the German people.

Though we have to admit the true reality of suffering at the time before and after the war (WWII). 

The social-free market system that has been created by the economist Eucken of the University of Freiburg and other intellectuals that represented a resistance movement, requiring extremely great personal courage and fearless independence of mind. Something that are lacked in our societies of the Sub-Saharan African continent, or how it was referred to Hottentot-land or Bushmen-land in derogative terms. These derogative terms gave identity to us as Korana, Bosluis Baster, Namaqua, Basters, Griqua, and other known today as Khoi people.

To the Khoi people, you must remember one thing has been made clear by the sons of the Nguni traders of old. They said they will die fighting. Fair enough, we will continue to live as a people that once entered through the Kalahari in Botswana and Angola today. Our peoples traces are still visible as well as the small groups that exist there today.

Happy unification day Germany!
©Khoranah Exx
ps.  I have not any © of any of the photos. The Nama stap children © belongs to Shaul Blackboy as far as I am concerned.

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