Wednesday 19 October 2016

Liberty for all people of the world.

A very historical, fantastic and absolutely moving speech

There is not much to this I can add. I can therefore looking deeper into the full meaning and what is beyond it. In doing this, I may add greater value to listening.

In listening to this speech, I can share the value and matrix that we see reflecting so clearly here.

You can argue the nature of it or the period of whom we know so little. 

Forward front till today. 

I share this. You can share it to freely. Nothing stop you from doing this, sharing-trend to alleviate other people. You are the shapers, the makers, the creators of our future. Use such material. You will be amuse before half-way through.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

CPUT buildings set alight

Where will this lead to?

Buildings in flames at CPUT campus.

The protest #Fees Must Fall is really dragging on since last year. How long will the ANC-DA lead government turn a blind eye on this?

Will this carry on in 2017?

This has been ongoing since 2014

Johannesburg protesters take to the streets.Going to Hillbrow court.

Al die mense lei onder die druk van "FeesMustFall"

All people are suffering under "FeesMustFall" and this we can
not tolerate in silence anymore. 

Why are people quiet in times of conflict, animosity and vandalism?
We are politically responsible for this crisis, because we are quiet.
Do we want to see this escalating to a full civil war and end up
like Libya or Syria?
It is wishful thinking to think this will go from away.

What have we contribute to stop this "FeesMustFall", where students
have been excluded as well?

If our politicians that we have choose, have not the power to stop
the actions that we see daily under attack of the police force.
There are members of the police force, who are ill-informed or
uninformed of what really happen.

If we remain silent, we accept the violence and unrest that have an 
affect on all citizens of South Africa.

The newspapers are fuming this fire, because they create sensation 
out of themes that create more anger among the vision-less poor people.

If there are people who share my outlook, then I ask you to come 
forward and let us start creating our own-people's-think-tank.

We can lobby for support from our business communities, because
business will to worse if this is not stopping very soon. There is no
way how this can be overseen.

Student SRC

Our leaders are responsible, because they do not want to speak English,
simply because they are to weak to express them properly. Now they 
force upon us Afrikaans. Afrikaans is known by a handful few and as a
result of this, we have this ever failure in dialogue since 2015.

The civil population are suffering and it is our task to end this madness.

We are fully aware that a force greater or financially stronger are behind this.
The inexperience students can not see through this and we can not blame them.
The students are very people that will suffer. They will not be able to 
complete their prescribed courses. That will put them back, because they 
have not the funds to pursue this and their studies.

Durban protest under way.

We must counter fight this "revolution" on a base of dialogue. If the
students can not find a base of dialogue, we with experience should
start a dialogue base.

It is time we join hands with the like minded and form a think-tank.
The think-tanks that were created for us, are all meaningless, because
they contribute nothing to stability.

We are tired of people on governmental pay rolls that only absorb
money for self enrichment and do nothing. These people are our
biggest obstacle towards peaceful negotiation.

Protection Gear For Sale

Favourite Gear For Protests

Get the ultimate protection clothes for civil unrest. Riots will never be the same, when wearing these protected gear. Everybody has the right to protect him or her against any danger. Do not allow people to intimidate you. 

Order now, to avoid disappointment. 

Private security companies favour this items. Have your company name print on the items.  

Click on picture to zoom in.

 Price on request.

Leave email address in the comment box.

Monday 10 October 2016

An update on policing and security relating to the #FeesMustFall protests in Pretoria, South Africa

Bringing you live coverage from Pretoria, South Africa, on the latest student protest news.

It is a pity the General dodge the most important questions. Well it is indeed Monday, and we certainly can't blame him. This rooted much deeper, then expected.

Any rate, no need to run to conclusions.

How long will we see these type of protests keeping the authorities busy, people are asking. Some people say and argue that this is totally out of control.

What are the misconceptions that are fuelling these strikes, people keep asking on social media.

Is it so difficult to define the solutions to the problems?

Every problem come with a solution. A little bit of critical thinking and planning is needed to solve such issues. Decision making is necessary, but it does not come from alone. Readiness and acceptance of new ways are strongly needed to shift the balance to normal academic conditions and procedures. Action should be taken and implemented to end this crisis.

 Is this protests getting out of hand or are there hidden agendas, pulling by the King-makers, people speculate. If there are no deadlines to be set, this will certainly continue for ever.

The already under staffed police role, is growing like a giant mushroom over night. If will definitely not stop growing from alone, less people start to listen and take advice freely given to them. As long as people are disrespected and oversee, because of skin pigmentation, this will carry on.

What are the options available to solve the burning issues? Will this become a follow up episode of the Marikana dilemma, that have not been solved half way or will it carry on as entertainment for the masses?